Instructors Rating
An instructors rating can be completed within your commercial licence or as an additional rating.
It consists of 80 hours of Ground Briefing and 20 hours of Patter (flight instruction time).
The ground briefings consist of prepping lessons and then presenting them to your instructor via means of illustration, explanation and demonstration.
Once you have completed the ground briefing and your instructor is satisfied that you have conveyed the lesson across to your student in a way that is easy to understand you will then go and fly that exercise from the left seat.
Your instructor in this instance will become your student and you will be required to carefully and meticulously demonstrate and teach each lesson from the left seat as an instructor would.
After the completion of the above mentioned training time, you will be tested by a Designated Examiner and issued with a Grade 3 Helicopter Instructors Rating.
We have had a lot of feed back from students who have completed their instructors rating confirming that the knowledge and skills acquired during the training is invaluable.
It is a highly recommended rating to have as one’s ability and level of understanding for helicopter flying are pushed to greater levels.
Contact us to find out more about our Instructor training courses.